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Making Time for Silence. One Quick Tip To Reclaim Your Thoughts and Revive Your Creativity

Liz Barrett


When was the last time you left your house without your phone?

Does just the thought of it make you shudder a little?

In a highly unscientific study, (I sat on a bench in town and counted people for ten minutes), half of all adults walk around with earphones in.

I’m in that camp.

If I’m walking I almost always have a podcast playing at 1.7 speed in my ears. When I’m doing housework or gardening, if there’s no one else there, I’m probably listening to something.

As part of my quest to get my brain to switch off so I can sleep, I’ve been giving this constant consumption a lot of thought recently.

Here’s what happens: I lay down to sleep and my internal monologue decides that now is the perfect time to bring my attention to all the things I haven’t given enough thought to during the day.

I’ve made one small change over the last month.

It hasn’t, sadly, magicked me into someone who falls asleep easily, but it has switched my brain back on in ways that I’m enjoying.

I have been making myself move around for an hour without anything playing in my ears.



Liz Barrett

Sea-swimming, sourdough-baking, food-fermenting, freelancer. Mental health writer | Self-care & mental wellness for parents |